My Favorite Albums, Songs, and Shows- 2010

My Favorite Albums: The National – High Violet Beach House – Teen Dream The Tallest Man On Earth – The Wild Hunt Kanye West – My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy Freelance Whales – Weathervanes Janelle Monáe – The ArchAndroid The Black Keys – Brothers Deerhunter – Halcyon Digest Best Coast – Crazy For You Joanna […]

My Favorite Songs, Albums, and Live Shows from 2009

If you couldn’t tell, I love music. And I’ve only come to really love it in the past few years… way too late in the game, I tell you. In my opinion, appreciating and enjoying music is an art that can help you in numerous ways. For example – music increases brain function. It relieves […]

10 Stories From China, Three Years Ago

This weekend in Beijing, I get to see my adopted Chinese family who took me under their wings when I was in Wuhan three years ago… I’m a tad bit excited! Any ideas on what I can bring them? (Here’s an old post with some pictures: My Chinese Family) My anticipation for seeing them got […]

MuteMath – Chaos

In honor of me having 12 days before I leave the country, I give you a live MuteMath video: And I hear they”ll be in town in February….oh well.