The “Not-So-Hot” Tianjin Hot Springs

It’s supposed to be fun to go to hot springs in the wintertime here. It’s supposed to be relaxing. It’s supposed to rejuvenate you for the coming cold months. But that’s simply not the case when a giant foreigner goes. Oh, it was hot alright… but it was nothing close to relaxing or rejuvenating at […]

Tianjin at Night

I fell in love with Tianjin all over again on my way back from Beijing. I was coming in to the train station late that night and once I stepped foot above ground, I saw these beautiful sights! The banks of the Hai He River apparently come to life after dark with these amazing lights […]

Chinese Caption Contest #442

I think it says, “Look! … up in the sky! … it’s a bird! No. … a plane! No. … It’s Supertrainattendants!” What do YOU think it says?

10 Stories From China, Three Years Ago

This weekend in Beijing, I get to see my adopted Chinese family who took me under their wings when I was in Wuhan three years ago… I’m a tad bit excited! Any ideas on what I can bring them? (Here’s an old post with some pictures: My Chinese Family) My anticipation for seeing them got […]

Tianjin International Fellowship

I found where all the foreigners are! Well, at least half of them. They meet at the Tianjin International Fellowship here in town on Sunday mornings. I first read about this place in Jin Magazine when I first got here. But last week, I got personally invited by a new friend from Guyana. Since my […]

Fake Snow, With Traces of Fall

I woke up on Sunday morning, Nov. 1, to a light drizzle and decided to bundle up on my way to work. By the time the bus pulled up to the office, though, it was full-fledged snow! I was a little more than excited as I previously wasn’t sure if I’d be seeing much snow […]

The Foreigner’s Farce of a Physical Exam

One of the lesser-known complications of getting my Z Visa to work in China was that I needed to have a physical exam done. Without a doctor’s approval of my perfect health, they wouldn’t send my official Letter of Invitation that the Chinese Embassy in Chicago would accept to give out visas. They want to […]

Top Ten Random Treasures Left Behind In My New Apartment

I’m finally somewhat settled into my new apartment here in Tianjin. (Well, except that the washing machine was broken and the landlord refused to pay for it for the longest time because he thought I had broken it when I touched one of the buttons and he was going to charge 700 RMB to fix […]